Tuesday, June 17, 2008

King of the Groms

Hi Guys, sorry for not being in touch just been really busy and don't for one second think we have not been scoring waves cause we have. In fact thank goodness the onshore is here today so we can rest.
WOW, what a weekend for the Quiksilver king of the Groms, Inner Pool, Mossel Bay. The weather was amazing both days with light and variable wind making for ideal contest conditions. Saturday was a little inconsistent but there were still some bomb sets it just meant that you had to be a bit more patient and tactics also came into play.
It was sad to see my young guns Reubin, Arthure, Danile and Vincent fall at the way side not because of ability but simply down to wave selection. I was very proud though to see each and everyone of them try their hardest and give the other competitors a run for their money.
Sunday we woke up to a glorious sunrise,offshore breez, low tide and pushing, with a rising swell how could the kids not be amped to demolish the ever increasing perfect inner pool waves.

Stand out at the event in my eyes were, Klee, Steven Sawyer, Davey and Benji Brand. Big shout out must got to my main man and overall winner of the u/20 King of the Groms, Shaun Joubert. Congratulations my friend on a fine performance.

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